"Humanitarian Special Operations" First entity to expressly employ the strategic and tactical models of military Special Operations groups, supported by highly skilled volunteer personnel, to the mission of transformative humanitarian services for global populations at risk. A 501(c)(3) non-profit organization, ARCHANGEL AIRBORNE is especially committed to the re-missioning of military veterans in appreciation of their training and skill sets, which contribute to the successful tactical execution of mission objectives.

ARCHANGEL AIRBORNE teams are composed of Mission Operators and Mission Specialists.

Mission Operators exercise command and control over team movement with extreme vigilance and situational awareness. They safeguard the team personnel and assets throughout all phases of operations.

Mission Specialists contribute professional skills that fulfill particular mission objectives.

The team maintains the highest level of training and Crew Resource Management for Mission Operators to ensure effective insertion and extraction of the deployed personnel.

"Mission Team" Mission Operators and Mission Specialists deployed globally and committed to intensive humanitarian service in areas of extreme poverty, disaster and instability.


To work intensively with populations at risk suffering from the oppression of disparity and disaster, and to mitigate and militate against the roots of extremism and violent conflict through the four pillars: Rescue, Sustain, Train, Liberate.

By preemptively engaging inequity and situational disadvantage at its roots, ARCHANGEL AIRBORNE seeks to grow dynamic relationships that engender positive global relations. Members of ARCHANGEL AIRBORNE shall be ambassadors and citizen servants of a United States of America missioned to serve the world's neediest and most vulnerable.

Tasked with providing emergency response domestically in cases of natural disaster, acts of terror, or situations where lives of citizens are in imminent danger, ARCHANGEL AIRBORNE will act in a supportive role with existing Fire Rescue, EMS, Law Enforcement, National Guard and military authorities, recognizing the ICS and NIMS command and management structure, and offering all available personnel and material assets as needed to assist.

Closed-Loop Methodology

This non-profit organization, merging teams of professional mission specialists with core operations personnel, travels internationally in order to assist at-risk populations with emergency response and disaster recovery, direct medical care delivery, community-based training, EMS system development and advisory/logistical support for infrastructure development.

Employing a military-derived command and control model mated with cultural awareness, we focus on the quality and sustainability of operations through dynamic partnership and empowerment of indigenous professionals and resources. We also ensure that the local professionals are supported and strengthened in their mission, thereby winning the trust and confidence of their communities.

Mission Control

All operations are conducted with the oversight of the ARCHANGEL AIRBORNE Mission Control Team (AA-MCT) which is normally located at the HQ in CONUS, but can also be mobile and remote. This team monitors all phases of air, land and sea operations and is prepared to launch emergency response and SAR resources in the event of any untoward event or compromise of the deployed team. In rapidly changing and highly variable areas at risk globally and domestically, the ARCHANGEL AIRBORNE Mission Control Team is vital to the safe completion of each mission.

The energy, the faith, the devotion which we bring to this endeavor will light our country and all who serve it--and the glow from that fire can truly light the world.

President John F. Kennedy